QEP Timeline


Fall 2020: QEP Steering Committee orientation, development of process to be utilized in selection of the QEP topic (to begin September 2020 and finalized by May 2021)

  • Announcement of QEP Selection and Development Process
  • Collect and review college-wide feedback
  • Top 3 theme selections by November 1, 2020
  • Solicitation and submission of topic proposals until January 11, 2021


Spring 2021: QEP topic selection

  • Select 3 to 5 topics for further development
    • Research literature and best practices
  • Proposal presentations
  • Final focused topic selection by May 2021


Fall 2021: Development of QEP

  • Identification of Implementation Team
    • Selection of key faculty/staff
  • Map out tasks and strategies
    • Assessment plans
    • Budget
    • Collection of baseline data
  • Begin writing


Spring 2022: Preliminary compliance certification

  • February 鈥 1st draft completed
  • March through May 鈥 review and edit
  • April 1 鈥 select/nominate QEP Evaluator


Summer 2022: QEP Finalized

  • QEP due by June 1
  • Prepare for site visit

Fall 2022: On-site visit and QEP Review 鈥 QEP materials due approximately 6 weeks prior to visit