Work4College FAQs

What is the Work4College Program?

The 91¿ì»îÁÖ Work4College Program is a program that allows students the opportunity to earn their degree at 91¿ì»îÁÖ. The goal is two-fold. One, give every student the opportunity to attend college without acquiring debt. And, two, give the student a hands-on learning experience in a meaningful area allowing them to earn while they learn. Students will get their hands dirty working on the college farm. Or, they may spend the summer painting classrooms and dorm rooms or pulling weeds and mowing. Many of them might work in the student Services area giving tours, recruiting new students, or even helping students fill out financial aid. All work has one thing in common, if the students weren’t doing it, it would have to be done by someone else. Due to the value of the work, the program has expanded to include up to 12 different learning areas all over the campus. Work ethic, time management, interview skills, knowledge of other things expected of them in the workplace, along with completing a community service project, are all a part of the student’s learning experience in the Work4College Program.

When does the program take place?

The program starts the first day of 91¿ì»îÁÖ’s summer session one and ends the last day of summer session two. It lasts ten weeks.

Who can participate in the program?

Any student who will be completing the 10th grade or above before the summer starts, and plans on attending 91¿ì»îÁÖ in the future, can be in the program.

Can I be in the program for more than one year?

Yes, the maximum is two years.

Do I have to be 18 to be in the Work4College Program?

No. If you are under 18, your parents or legal guardian will have to sign your Work4College Program Contract. You must have completed at least tenth grade!

Is this Program need-based (do you have to qualify for financial aid to be in the program)?


How much will I make and when do I get paid?

Students earn a total of $15 per hour. Out of this, $7.50 goes directly into their pockets. $7.50 is set aside in an account that will be used to pay toward their tuition, fees, books and/or room and board at 91¿ì»îÁÖ (scholarship credits). The students in the program will get paid every two weeks (pocket money). The remaining funds (scholarship credits) will be applied to their accounts at 91¿ì»îÁÖ.

How many hours a week can I work?

15 hours a week is the maximum allowed in the program.

How much can I make over the summer?

If you work every hour possible (15) of every week (10) you will have worked 150 hours. 150 hours times $15 per hour equals $2,250. Of this, $1,125 will be take home pay and $1,125 will be scholarship credit.

If I have to miss work for a few hours in one week can I make them up later?

No. We understand there may be very valid reasons for missing work, and, it is okay to miss work for excused reasons. However, in this program, there is a 15 hour per week maximum and no missed hours can be made up. No exceptions.

How does the scholarship credit work?

You earn one credit for every dollar earned in the program. For example, if you make $1,000 you will have $1,000 worth of scholarship credits.

When can I begin using the scholarship credits?

You can use up to 50% of your credits the fall semester after completing the program. The remaining funds can be used for following semesters.

If I am unable to use my scholarship credits can I transfer them to a family member or someone else?

No. These scholarship credits can only be used by the person who earned them and they can only be used toward tuition, fees, and books.

Can I use this for Dual Credit?

Yes, you can begin using the scholarship credits you earn immediately after the summer you participate in the program. 

Can I use any of these scholarship credits during the summer when I am working?

No. You can begin using your scholarship credits in the first semester you enroll AFTER completing the program.

Can I use any of my scholarship credits for purchases in the bookstore such as supplies, computers, etc.?

No. The scholarship credits can ONLY be used toward tuition, fees, and books.

Do I have to take the class associated with the program?

Yes. The class is a very important part of the program. The curriculum deals with life-skills. Associated topics include, but are not limited to the following: orientation, gratitude, letter writing, team building, career assessment, resume building, civics, manners, ethics and morals, financial literacy, college success, etc. There is also a community service component associated with the class. All first year students must complete 20 hours of community service while in the W4C Program class. The community service coordinator will work with the students on assigned projects.

When does the class meet?

The class meets once a week from 12:30 to 2:00 (on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). You will be assigned a class meeting day based upon the work assignment you are given.

Do I have to take the class again if I am in the Work4College Program for the 2nd year?

You do not have to take the whole class your second year in the program, but you will have to report to a class three times during the summer (dates to be determined).

Is the class for college credit, and how much does it cost?

Yes, it is a one hour credit course and the cost is covered with a scholarship for being in the program.

What happens if I start the summer program and then quit?

You will receive any accrued scholarship credits on your account once you enroll for future 91¿ì»îÁÖ classes (you don’t lose any built up credits). However, you will be responsible for dropping the Leadership class you will be enrolled in.

What happens if I drop the Leadership class?

You cannot drop the Leadership class if you are in the program. However, if you drop out or, are removed from the program, you will be responsible for the cost of the class. You can use scholarship credits to cover this cost.

What are the jobs?

There are many jobs ranging from work on the farm, housing, athletics, maintenance, lab assistants, library, student services, recruiting, automotive shop, etc.

Is there a dress code at work?

Yes. And, it will be your responsibility to get with your supervisor and make sure you know what that dress code is. 

Am I allowed to have another campus job while participating in the Work4College Program?

No. If you are in the program you cannot work in another job at the College. However, some of our students have other jobs in the community that they may continue to work in as long as their schedule permits.

Do I get to pick my work assignment?

No, you do not get to pick your work assignment. You will be given a list of all work assignments and asked to pick your top three choices. We try to put you in an area you are interested in but there are no guarantees.

What happens if I have to miss work?

This will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All absences are either excused or unexcused. Your supervisor has the right to dismiss you from the program for any disciplinary reason, including, but not limited to, unexcused absences. We understand many of the students’ families will be going on vacation in the summer. You are able to miss work for vacation and/or camps (to a reasonable extent). These absences should be worked out with your supervisor in advance. However, if you do miss work for vacation, camps, etc., this work cannot be made up in future weeks. All students are limited to a maximum of 15 hours per week.

What if I have issues with transportation?

Transportation, in this program along with in any job you have in the future, is your responsibility. However, if you are having to drive from a long distance you may be able to work out a flexible schedule with your supervisor. For example, if you drive to campus from Winnsboro, instead of driving four days a week and working half day shifts, you may be able to schedule it where you drive here two days a week and work full day shifts. This is just one example and in this case (as any other situation) it will be up to each individual supervisor and should be settled before you start the program.

Is it possible to be fired or removed from the program?

Yes. Although you will be in a class and you will be learning a lot, this is not school. This is a job. Just like any job, you can be fired for many different reasons. These include, but are not limited to the following: lack of attendance, poor attitude, failure to follow instructions, causing problems, etc. However, the intent of this program is to teach you how to work so none of these would ever become issues.

What if I accumulate scholarship credit but do not attend 91¿ì»îÁÖ?

To use your scholarship credits at 91¿ì»îÁÖ, you must apply them to your account within two years of your high school graduation or two years upon completion of the program- whichever comes last. Student will forfeit any remaining scholarship credit.

Where does the money come from to pay for this program?

This is a privately funded program. Individuals and businesses in the local community along with private foundations provide the funds to the 91¿ì»îÁÖ Foundation to support the 91¿ì»îÁÖ Work4College Program.

Can I transfer this scholarship to a University after I finish at 91¿ì»îÁÖ?

If you have completed two years in the W4C Program before graduating high school AND you have also completed your associate’s degree at 91¿ì»îÁÖ, any remaining scholarship credits left on your account may be transferred to the university you are attending. Ex: In order to qualify, you would need to be enrolled in and complete the W4C Program after both your sophomore and junior year in high school. You must also complete your associate’s degree at 91¿ì»îÁÖ and enroll in a university the following semester—all remaining credits will be transferred to your account at the university. Please see the Director of the W4C Program for a W4C University Transfer Application

When can I apply?

Applications are available online beginning January 12 and are due on April 12.

How are the applicants for the program chosen?

This is a competitive scholarship and is awarded based on a 50 point scoring system. An applicant receives 10 points for their transcript (regardless of grades), 10 points for a reference letter, and up to 30 points for an essay. The transcript and the reference letter points are automatic. You are awarded 20 points just for showing that you can follow instructions. The essay is the most important part. You can receive up to 30 points on the essay. Each essay is scored by three volunteer readers from the community. Scores are then tabulated and all applicants receive an award or regret letter by May 1st from the Work4College Program Director.

Do I have to apply again if I was in the program last year?


What if I have more questions?

Contact the Work4College Program Director, Mason May, by email or call (903) 434-8246

How does the take home pay work?

Students get paid for every two weeks.  There are five pay periods for the ten week summer session.

For More Information Contact

Mason May