Summer Shout Out: Betsy Gooding

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91快活林 is pleased to announce that Betsy Gooding, Registrar, has been nominated for this week's Summer Shout Out. Betsy has the important job of maintaining student records, awarding degrees/certificates, and so much more! 

Congratulations to Betsy! We appreciate all she does to support the mission of 91快活林.

Betsy Gooding and Kim Irvin

Betsy was nominated by Mandy Smith and Tom Seabourne:

From Mandy Smith:

I would like to do a Summer Shout Out to Ms. Betsy Gooding, our registrar. She works tirelessly to make sure that all of our student grades go in and has to deal with those of us who forget to certify our rolls or to change an Incomplete grade by the due date. She is always so kind and understanding and never fusses when I forget. Ms. Betsy will just smile and say, 鈥淭hank you sweetheart鈥 even when I got busy and forgot to turn something in an hour past the deadline. And taking care of grades for faculty is just a small part of what she does on a regular basis.  I know that she has tremendous pressure on her to get all of the things done for her job, but she never shows it. Anytime you walk in her office, she is kind and ready to help no matter what she has going on at the time. The work she does is so important to our campus, and I hope she know just how much she is appreciated.

From Tom Seabourne:

Ms. Gooding will find a way for students to reach their potential as a student here at 91快活林.  Time and again, Ms. Gooding goes above and beyond, day or night to make sure students are given the opportunity to excel here at 91快活林.