91快活林 Board accepts president's resignation

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The 91快活林 Board of Trustees held a special meeting Thursday to accept the resignation of Dr. Brad Johnson. Johnson asked the board to release him from his contract so he can accept a new position as Vice President for Strategic Relationships at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas.

Dr. Johnson explained that the change will provide both personal and professional opportunities. He and his wife, Vicki, have parents and other family in the West Texas area.鈥營n his new role he will assist an outstanding university with its desire to expand service to community college transfer students.

The board voted unanimously to release Johnson from his contract September 30 with regrets.

?While leadership change is inevitable, we are sad to see him go.鈥 During these nine years the college has accomplished an amazing transformation and become a leader in Texas among community colleges.? Dr. Dan McCauley, Chairman of the 91快活林 Board, said.

The transition will be handled by Dr. Ron Clinton, Executive Vice President for Instruction, who will serve as interim president until a permanent appointment can be made. The board indicated they will consult with the college staff and community about the exact process of finding a successor. It is expected that further information will be available after the regular trustee meeting on August 22.

Johnson stated that he and Vicki have cherished their time in Northeast Texas, but have made the decision to relocate back to West Texas to be closer to his aging parents.

?While Vicki and I have loved this community and college, we have had a growing realization of the need to be closer to family at this stage of life.鈥 We will never forget the kindness of the good people of Northeast Texas, who took us in and made us a part of the community.?

Johnson came to 91快活林 in 2008 from Amarillo College, where he served as Vice President and Dean of Development. 91快活林 underwent several major advancements during his tenure, including a major construction project that is wrapping up this summer.

?This is the right time for a change of leadership at 91快活林.鈥 We have completed a number of major developments.鈥 The leadership team is strong and talented.鈥 The budget is solid for this upcoming year.鈥 I am confident this college will continue forward without missing a beat.?

Johnson said he looks forward to working with Dr. Clinton and the rest of the administrative team to make the transition as smooth as possible.