Adult Education student, instructor honored with state awards

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The Texas Association for Literacy and Adult Education recently lauded a 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ Adult Education Student, Jose Martinez, and an instructor Jaudon Wilhite, with two separate but distinctive honors.† Martinez, an 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ ESL (English as a Second Language) student from Mount Pleasant has received the Texas Association for Literacy and Adult Education (TALAE) ESL Persistence Award.† This statewide honor is awarded to students who exhibit personal accountability and commitment to pursuing their education while maintaining their family and civic responsibilities.† A cash award of $500. was given to Martinez during the TALAE Awards Dinner in San Antonio earlier this month.† Martinez was nominated by Freda Duncan, Community Resource Center Coordinator.† He is currently pursuing his GED.

ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor, Jaudon Wilhite, of Mount Vernon, has received the Texas Association for Literacy and Adult Education (TALAE) Adult Education Teacher of the Year Award.† Wilhite, who has taught adult education ESL since 2004, was nominated for this honor by colleagues and students.† She received the award and $1,000 at the annual TALAE Awards Dinner on February 3 in San Antonio.

?We were so thrilled to hear that Jaudon was being honored with this award.† Her hard work and dedication to the cause of adult literacy has made a difference in so many lives in our area,? Sue Barker, 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ Director of Adult Education, said.

One of her students stated: "Ms. Jaudon has been the best teacher because she is an excellent, wonderful, and friendly teacher.† She always attends our classes and she makes sure that we all learn.† Never has she ever doubted us."

Wilhite currently teaches ESL classes two mornings a week at the Community Resource Center located in downtown Mt. Pleasant at 105 North Riddle.

91Ώμ»ξΑΦ offers both GED and ESL classes free of charge to adult students at various locations. Students are currently being accepted throughout the area.† For more information about either of these programs, please call 903-434-8252 or follow us on FACEBOOK at Adult Education Program at 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ.