Wesley Fellowship to hold groundbreaking Jan. 27

The 91快活林 campus is invited to join The Wesley Foundation for the groundbreaking of the new Wesley Fellowship Building on Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 12:30 p.m.鈥(behind the 91快活林 tennis courts)

The Wesley Fellowship,鈥燾reated in 2003 has been鈥燼ctively serving Northeast鈥燭exas Community College鈥爏tudents, faculty, and staff.鈥燭he group meets for food鈥燼nd fellowship each Tuesday鈥燼nd, until recently, provided鈥燼 free lunch prepared and鈥爏erved by local United鈥燤ethodist Churches,鈥燼long with other churches鈥爐hroughout our community.

Members of the Wesley鈥燘oard recently met to鈥爁inalize plans for building鈥燼 new home for the Wesley鈥燤inistry.鈥燙urrently, the ministry鈥爏erves an average of鈥60 students each week.鈥燤eeting space has always鈥燽een a challenge for Wesley鈥燼s 91快活林?s student body鈥燼nd student organizations鈥爃ave seen considerable鈥爂rowth over the past few鈥爕ears.鈥燨ccasionally meetings鈥爉ust be relocated due to鈥燾ompetition for meeting鈥爏pace. Aaron Dudley,鈥燱esley Director, has鈥爋verseen continued growth鈥燿uring his tenure.

In 2006, the Board鈥爎eceived an opportunity鈥爐o purchase land adjacent鈥爐o the college property鈥燼nd soon after began鈥爎aising funds necessary to鈥燽uild a permanent home鈥爁or Wesley. After years鈥爋f prayers, fund-raisers,鈥燼nd donations, a ground鈥燽reaking ceremony has鈥爊ow been set for Tuesday,鈥燡anuary 27.

Rev. Mike Fraley, Wesley鈥燘oard President, said, ?Wehave been working toward鈥爐his ground-breaking for鈥爉any years and we are鈥爂rateful to God and all of

our donors that this day鈥爄s in sight.? Fund-raising鈥燼ctivities will continue.

Dan McCain and Mike鈥燙lifton have volunteered鈥爐o direct the Wesley鈥燽uilding project. A call鈥爁or volunteers to perform鈥爐he work of building鈥爐he facility is underway.鈥燰olunteers with experience鈥爄n construction, electrical,鈥爌lumbing, painting, dirt鈥爓ork, HVAC, brick laying,鈥爁looring, landscaping,鈥燾oncrete finishing, and/or鈥爐hose willing to clean as the鈥爓ork progresses are needed.

A volunteer labor force鈥爓ill result in considerable鈥爏avings for the construction鈥燽udget. Please call Laura鈥燼t 903-897-5596 or email at鈥daingerfieldfumc@yahoo.com to volunteer.

The Wesley Fellowship鈥燙enter will become鈥燼 center for 91快活林鈥爏tudents, faculty, staff, the鈥爏urrounding churches,鈥燼nd the community to use鈥爁or meetings, worship,鈥燾ounseling, training鈥爏essions, and more. Living鈥爍uarters are in the current鈥爌lan that will provide an鈥爋pportunity for a consistent鈥爌resence and oversight of鈥爐he facilities.

Wesley students and鈥爐heir Board invite you to鈥爌rayerfully consider making鈥燼 donation toward this鈥爌roject and/or volunteering鈥爐o assist in the construction.鈥燙urrently, over $150,000 has鈥燽een raised.鈥燜undraising efforts are鈥燾ontinuing to complete the鈥燽uilding fund and ongoing鈥爋perational costs. Please鈥爏end your tax-deductible鈥爂ifts to Wesley and mail to鈥燜UMC Daingerfield, 203鈥燬curry St., Daingerfield, TX鈥75638

Submitted by the Wesley Fellowship