Phi Theta Kappa wraps up outstanding year

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† † †There are two words that†best describe Northeast Teas Community College?s Phi Theta Kappa chapter: hard†working.

† † †That hard work paid off this†past school year as the local chapter received numerous awards, including†Outstanding Student Organization at 91¿ì»îÁÖ.

† † †?We are a very busy chapter.†The students do a lot of service projects,? said Dr. Melissa Weinbrenner, an 91¿ì»îÁÖ†history professor who serves as the advisor for Phi Theta Kappa?s Alpha Mu Chi†chapter at 91¿ì»îÁÖ.

† † †One notable accomplishment†is the chapter?s involvement in the Titus County Cares Backpack Program.

† † †?We started working on that†project three years ago and they?ve asked us to do more and more campuses each†year because our members are so reliable,? Dr. Weinbrenner said. ?I?m so proud†of them for that.?

† † †The mission of Phi Theta†Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges, is to build†servant leaders and to develop scholarships opportunities for its members.

† † † Dr. Weinbrenner, who has†taken the Alpha Mu Chi chapter from a 0-star chapter to a 5-star chapter in the†five years she has been the advisor, has a personal stake in her students?†accomplishments because she was a Phi Theta Kappa student when she attended†Tyler Junior College.

† † †?I understand what Phi Theta†Kappa can do for these students. My parents didn?t have any money and I went†all the way through to my PhD. When you don?t have money, scholarships are all the†more critical, so that?s been my goal as an advisor,? Dr. Weinbrenner said. ?I†seek out opportunities for the students to go as far as possible in their†education. I know how important that is, so all the work we do as a chapter, I†hope, translates into success for them in their careers and helping them get†scholarships down the road.?

† † †Dr. Weinbrenner?s passion†for the chapter, fueled by her personal story, led to her being named one of 30†Distinguished Advisors out of 1,300 chapter advisors in the U.S. and eight†other countries as well as Most Distinguished Advisor for the Phi Theta Kappa†Texas Region.

† † †While she?s honored to have†received those awards, she?s most proud of her students? accomplishments,†including Freshman Isaac Burris, who will serve as the Texas Region District†III vice president this year. As part of his appointment, Burris will take a major†leadership role in planning and presiding over three regional meetings and four†district meetings and will be asked to speak at the district?s induction†ceremonies at 18 college campuses.

† † †?Phi Theta Kappa believes in†student empowerment, so the students are very involved in the planning process,?†Dr. Weinbrenner said. ?This is my joy as an advisor. I get to see students take†on these positions, service projects and scholarship writing. They do this. I†just facilitate.?

Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Mu Chi Chapter/Individual Awards:

  • The Alpha Mu Chi chapter was named the ?Outstanding Student†Organization? on 91¿ì»îÁÖ.

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  • Chapter member Isaac Burris will serve as the Texas Region†District III Vice-President this year.††The chapter successfully ran†a competitive campaign around the song, ?Turn Out for What,? and showcased†chapter projects and service activities over the past year.

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  • Dr. Melissa Weinbrenner was named a Distinguished†Advisor for the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and Most†Distinguished Advisor for the Texas Region. She was also named a Faculty†Scholar for the third time. She also serves serve on the Honors Program Council†for Phi Theta Kappa.

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  • 91¿ì»îÁÖ President†Dr. Brad Johnson received the Shirley B. Gordon Award for his support of the†91¿ì»îÁÖ chapter.††He†was recognized at the Annual International Convention.††He was also†inducted into the Texas Region Hall of Honor for College Presidents.

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  • Alpha Mu Chi had 22 students plus alumni attend the PTK†Annual Convention.

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  • Matthew Jordan received the Alumni Award of Appreciation.

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  • Rico Willis received the Friend of Texas Award for his support of†the chapter on 91¿ì»îÁÖ?s campus.

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  • Kayleah Cumpian, Matthew Jordan and Dr. Weinbrenner presented an†Educational Forum at the International Convention.

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  • The Alpha Mu Chi chapter won the USA†Case Study Challenge, an international level award through PTK in conjunction†with the USA Today newspaper.

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  • Leader of Promise Award††- Kelli Knepp (Summer 2014) and Tyler Reynolds (Summer 2014)

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  • Texas STAR Scholarship ? Kayleah Cumpian and Tyler Reynolds (summer 2014)

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  • Walter B. Cooper Scholarship ? Kayleah Cumpain (Fall 2014)

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  • Guistwhite Scholar ? Kayleah Cumpain (Spring 2015)

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  • Coca-Cola Gold Level Scholar ? Kayleah Cumpian (Spring 2015)

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  • Coca-Cola Bronze Level Scholar ? Tyler Reynolds (Spring 2015)

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  • Follett Book Scholarship ? Ashley Hall, Chris Hall, Kayleah Cumpain, Sarah Jo Fox, and Tyler Reynolds (September 2014)

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  • USA Today?s 2014 Honors Case Study Challenge Winner ? Alpha Mu Chi Chapter, entry entitled, ?What Does the Chalk Say?: Innovating America?s Classrooms.? (April 2014)

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  • USA Today?s 2015 Honors Case Study Challenge Winner ≠- Alpha Mu Chi Chapter, entry entitled ?Come Together, Right Now, Over Green.? (April 2015)

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  • Outstanding Alumni Award ? Stephani Calderon (April 2014), Mathew Jordan (April 2015)

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  • Shirley B. Gordon Award for College Presidents ? Dr. Brad Johnson (April 2015)

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  • Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished Chapter Advisor ? Dr. Melissa Weinbrenner (April 2015)

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  • Jack Kent Cooke award ? Kayleah Cumpian (April 2015)