Karen Andrews named July Fittest Employee

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Sherry Hoppock presents Karen Andrews†with a gift basket†for being named 91¿ì»îÁÖ?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for July.†To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing†overt wellness behavior and attitude.†

The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an August recipient!

Here's a message from Karen regarding her†personal wellness plan?

Thank you for this recognition. I have battled weight since I gave birth to my first child 26 years ago. I tried every diet, every lose weight quick gimmick, etc. †Some worked for awhile, but the weight came back plus some. I had decided that I would just be fat and happy. The problem was I was just fat! The happiness wasn't there. I hit my heaviest when I lost my mom suddenly to luekemia and began drowning my sorrows in food!

As I mourned the death of my mom I sought comfort in looking at pictures and home videos. I began to notice †that I didn't have many pictures of my mom and me. I †never †wanted to be in pictures because it forced me to see how truly unhealthy I was.

This past November I made a vow to do something about my health. I joined Metabolic Research on November 1 and they have taught me which foods to eat, which ones to stay away from, and to keep a food journal. The food journal was eye opening. It made me realize how much unhealthy food I was actually consuming. As of today I have lost 70.5 lbs. †I still have several pounds to go but I am taking it day by day, pound by pound.

My advice to anyone struggling with weight problems is to keep a food journal (making yourself accountable for what you are putting into your body), drink lots of water, and get out and move!

Again, thank you for this recognition.
