Honors Northeast visits Sesame Literary Club of Hughes Springs

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Wright Patman, the Congressman from Hughes Springs from 1929-1976, served the interests of many Northeast Texans in Washington, representing our state?s first district. †Honors Northeast†presented their feature-length film on Patman?s life†February 5 before the members of the Sesame Literary Club of Hughes Springs.†Patman was the 1912 Valedictorian of Hughes Springs High School, and a number of his descendants viewed the story of his life for the first time at the Hughes Springs Community Center.

Honors Scholar Miranda Mendoza, also featured a trailer of Honors Northeast's upcoming film on Harriet Potter Ames, which will†premier†at the Mount Pleasant Library Friday, Feb. 20.† Mendoza will be on the panel that will help explain the differences between the popular portrait of ?Harriet? in Elythe Kirkland?s†Love is a Wild Assault,†and that of the new film.† She is the author of an 18-page essay comparing the real Harriet Potter Ames with the version in†Love is a Wild Assault.†

Anyone with questions about Honors Northeast, the applications for next year, or interest in the program?s series of regional films, poems or essays should feel free to contact Dr. Andrew Yox (903) 434-8229 or†ayox@ntcc.edu. †The application deadline for Honors Northeast for 2015-16 is March 1. †PHOTO:†Honors Scholar Miranda Mendoza is pictured with Wanda Cockrill, member of the Sesame Literary Club of Hughes Springs and Friend of Honors Northeast