February Fittest Employee of the Month

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Mandy Smith†presents Cindy Hammonds (left)†with a gift basket†for being named 91¿ì»îÁÖ?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for February.†To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing†overt wellness behavior and attitude.†


The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a March recipient!

Here's a message from Cindy regarding her†personal wellness plan?

Thank you to the Wellness Committee for this recognition. I am very much a work in progress and have a long way to go before I will feel worthy of it. † It is because of this committee that I am on this journey towards better health and wellness in the first place.† I have read many inspiring stories from the past honorees that have over come or are struggling with health issues that are more daunting than my high blood pressure.† If they can muster up the time and energy with the obstacles they are facing, I have no excuse.

After trying several different medications to control high blood pressure I became very discouraged.† The doctor prescribed medication, exercise, stress control and a change in diet.† For quite some time I just heard ?medication?.† Finally, ding, ding, ding, I realized I was only doing a very small part of what my cardiologist prescribed.† That is where the wellness committee comes in.† The amazing stories of our co workers and even just the small triumphs gave me the nudge I needed. † Taking advantage of our wonderful Fit Center on my lunch break to walk on the treadmill takes away my excuse of not having time!† I am a beginner with yoga and have fallen in love with the stress relieving aspect of it and look forward to doing it as soon as I get home from work several days a week.† Fad dieting has been kicked to the curb as I have seriously started eating a nutritious diet filled with vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, complex carbs and low sodium foods. I still enjoy a few of my old favorites but moderation and being aware of portion size is the key to keeping me on track.† This southern cook is retraining on meal prep!†

I encourage everyone to take advantage of the wonderful perks we have here.† The Fit Center, the healthy meals in the SUB and Ann Semrau?s nutrition guide.† Also, read what your co workers are doing, it might just inspire you.
