Linda Kerley named Fittest Employee for July

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Doug Richey (right)†presents Linda Kerley†with a†gift basket for being named 91¿ì»îÁÖ?s Fittest Employee†of the Month†for July. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing †overt wellness behavior and attitude.†

The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a September recipient!

Here's a message from Linda regarding her†personal wellness plan?

First of all I was very surprised and honored to get the e-mail for the Fittest Employee of the Month.† By far I am not the fittest employee, but I am working on it each and every day.

I had joined the weight loss challenge here on campus and had mainly cut back on certain foods, and began walking almost every day.† In mid-June I had a visit to the ER and after numerous tests, blood work, etc., I was diagnosed as having a possible TIA ? mini stroke.† Yes ? it shocked me too.† So I had to stay in the hospital for more tests, and observation.† The next day I was visited by various members of different departments, did a barrage of tests, and then the Doctor from the stroke department came by and talked to me.† I listened to him ? knowing I was very lucky to have no damage and realized this is a wakeup call ? and I needed to really pay attention to everything he is saying.† Which I did ? so after he was done talking he asked me if I had any questions ? my response was ?What do I need to do to prevent this from happening again?† His response was to get in shape ? lose weight, exercise, eat healthy, and avoid stress.† My family were there when he was talking to me ? and my daughter brought me a book about Clean Eating, so I read that book.† From this episode - I have made the commitment to myself, and family ? that I was going to change my lifestyle.

I was only in the hospital a couple of days ? so when I was released I was put on a 1500 calorie cardiac diet, which included not to go over 1500 mg of sodium in a day.† I had to see a nutritionist, neurologist, and my primary care doctor.† I have seen all three of them.†† My primary care doctor suggested a personal trainer or someone to help me get started.† I mentioned this to a group in the mailroom ? and Jessica Keith said she would work out with me and get me started on a program.† Which I do appreciate it ? I just needed that initial push and I try to work out and do some form of exercise daily.† I also have a lot of encouragement from my family† - daughter, son-in-law, son, daughter-in-law, husband, and brother and sister in law (in Michigan) and mainly my little granddaughter ? I want to be around for her and future grandchildren.† I also have a lot of encouragement from my 91¿ì»îÁÖ family members ? I am very thankful each and every one of you are part of my life.† It is also such a great feeling when your kids tell you ?how proud they are of you and when the doctor said you needed to get in shape ? you listened to him? and I am doing it.† So now the main thing I have changed are my eating habits, Now I eat to live, and I keep track of everything I eat and I do exercise a lot more than I did and a major plus I have lost weight.† I am feeling so much better and have an approaching doctor appointment and am hoping to have very positive results.