Building 429 to play at Whatley Center

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† † † Grammy nominated Christian rock group Building 429 will perform at the†91¿ì»îÁÖ campus in the Whatley Center for the†Performing Arts on October 19 at 6:30 p.m. The Whatley Center is bringing†the band's†We Won't Be Shaken†Tour to Mount Pleasant. The tour is named†for the band's eighth album, which was nominated for the 2014 Best†Contemporary Christian Music Album Grammy award in January.

† † † "Building 429 is one of the top Christian rock groups in the nation and we†are very excited to bring them to the Whatley Center. The response has†already been huge and we are expecting a sellout," Carolyn Franks,†Director of the Whatley Center, said.

† † † We Won't Be Shaken†has placed on ten Billboard charts including it's debut†at number one on the Christian Albums chart. The album and tour reflect a†very personal message for the band.

† † † "One of the cool things about this record is that the titles of the songs†are actually what the songs are about. The chorus:†Whatever will come our†way, through fire or pouring rain, we won't be shaken†is really a†statement for us as a band," said lead Vocalist Jason Roy, "I think that†when we finally get to a point when we remember the Lord's character is†unchanging, we will find the strength to carry on. It's easy to put your†faith in the failing things of this earth, but when all of our truth is in†Him we have a first foundation that cannot be shaken. For us as a band†that's the statement we want to wrap ourselves around. We're here. We're†moving forward and we're not going to be shaken."

† † † Roy is a native of Mount Pleasant and is looking forward to performing his†music in front of a hometown crowd.

† † † Growing up in Mount Pleasant, Roy was surrounded by music. His father was†a drummer and in his teenage years his dad introduced him to rock 'n roll†while his grandfather was heavy into gospel music, having come from a†family of believers.

† † † "I started writing all these songs that tied into my faith," Roy said.†"I'm so excited to share what God has miraculously given me."

† † † Building 429 organized in 1999 and played more than 100 shows in 2000,†selling more than 3,000 copies of their self-titled album. In 2003†Building 429 toured with Christian rock worship band Sonic Flood, garnering†them national exposure and eventually a record deal. The band was named†Billboard's Christian Songs Artist of the Year and Christian AC Songs†Artist of the Year for 2012. The group has amassed a dedicated fan†following, playing more than 150 live shows a year while developing its†own touring brands†Winter Blast‽ý²Ô»å†Summer Blast.

† † † The concert is sponsored by Al & Sue Havenstrite of Mount Pleasant. Tickets†are $20 each and seats are very limited. Call 903-434-8181 to reserve yours†before they are gone! Visit to learn about this and†other performances at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts.