Bond election update

91æģ»īĮÖ received unofficial election numbers Tuesday night that indicated that Proposition 1 failed and Proposition 2 passed.ā€ The Collegeā€ receivedā€ several updates today that might affect the results of Proposition 2.ā€  It is our understanding that such changes are not unusual and often go unnoticed by the public unless the race is a tight one. Given the tight vote count on Proposition 2, the changes may alter the outcome of the election and so the College will wait until we receive official numbers from each county election office.

Final vote tallies are expected byā€ November 12,ā€ and will includeā€ provisional and overseas ballotsā€ which are judged legal by the county election officials.ā€ ā€ We are communicating with the election offices and will release a statement as soon asā€ reliableā€ information is made available.

Lastly, the College wishes to express our appreciation to the county election officials of Camp, Morris and Titus counties who have a most important job to do in support of our democratic process.