Anne Semrau named Fittest Employee for September

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Paula Wilhite鈥爌resents Anne Semrau (left)鈥with a gift basket鈥爁or being named 91快活林?s Fittest Employee鈥of the Month鈥for September. To receive this award, an employee must鈥be caught practicing 鈥overt wellness behavior and attitude.鈥

The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a November recipient!

Here's a message from Anne regarding her鈥爌ersonal wellness plan?

My story (and every dietitian has one) began almost thirty years ago,鈥爓hen my father died unexpectedly of a heart attack. I still remember, in鈥爐he difficult days that followed, one of my brothers and I looking into鈥爐he refrigerator and him saying, "Dad dies of heart disease and we have鈥燼ll-butter croissants."

Comfort food doesn't have to be healthy, but if鈥爕ou want the best chance to live a longer, healthier, better life, the鈥爁oods that you eat day-to-day and the lifestyle that you choose can make鈥燼 real difference. Eventually, I became a dietitian and that brother? An鈥爄ronman (and aerospace engineer). We've both outlived our father. Maybe鈥爓e're just lucky, because other environmental factors and genetics can鈥燿ictate so much, but I have seen from my times in the hospital,鈥爀specially the ICU in the San Antonio VA hospital, how very difficult or鈥爄mpossible it can be to restore health once it's lost. So even though鈥爄t's not always easy to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get鈥爎egular exercise, I absolutely know that it's worth it. I feel very鈥爁ortunate to be alive and even more fortunate to still be healthy.

