Mary Hearron named Fittest Employee for September

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Shirley Clay†(left) presents Mary Hearron with a fruit and vegetable gift basket for being named 91?s Fittest Employee†of the Month for September. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude. †The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an October recipient!

Here are a few words from Mary about her personal wellness plan?

Thank you for this recognition, however undeserved it may be.† Actually, I believe that the Wellness Committee may†have provided†me†with a wake-up call to remember and contemplate just what true wellness means.

I would like to accept this designation in honor of my mother, Elizabeth Chitsey, who, at 94 years of age, serves as my role model of wellness and continues to live a life full of love for family and friends.† She†reminded me a few years ago when she made the decision to move out of her ranch home and into a smaller assisted living apartment that we can "decide to be happy" in all things.† Although her mobility has become a little limited over the last year or so with an arthritic knee and some loss of vision, she continues to go to an exercise class 3 to 4 times a week, reads voraciously, and†watches†every†Texas Rangers game (in fact,†she can tell you the pitching rotation†if you are interested).

In my†own wellness journey, I†try to remember the things that are important for physical, mental, and emotional health: eating in moderation and choosing†fruits, vegetables and whole grains; remaining hydrated by drinking at least a quart of water daily; exercising (whether it is in my garden pulling weeds, a short run on the treadmill or in my neighborhood or a game of one-on-one basketball with my 10 year old grandson); or taking time off from a busy work schedule to stop and "smell the roses."† There have been many times in which I have failed to make the best choice and have eaten the BIG piece of chocolate cake or skipped out on my morning workout or worked too many hours.† Each day is a new beginning for which we can be grateful, however.† I think that the foundation of wellness lies in that ability to "decide to be happy" and to approach each new day as an opportunity to make the right choices.

Thanks again for the encouragement that the 91 Wellness Committee helps to provide on our campus.
