Jon McCullough named February Fittest Employee of the Month

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Photo Caption: Jeremiah Hindman (left) presents Dr. McCullough with a fruit and†vegetable gift basket for being named 91¿ì»îÁÖ?s Fittest Employee†of the Month for February.†To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†

The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a March recipient!

Here are a few words from Dr. McCullough about his personal wellness plan...
I am honored to be chosen as the recipient of the Fittest Employee of the Month.† I have always ?tried? to maintain a healthy lifestyle, mainly by† staying active in sports (coaching my daughters). †However, I have taken three major steps in the las†me†t year that I believe have helped to live healthier.† One, on May 24th, 2011, I quit drinking diet cokes.† For those of you who know me, that was a huge endeavor.† I was drinking anywhere from twelve to fifteen diet cokes a day!† I quit cold turkey and have since started drinking water and un-sweet tea (mostly un-sweet tea).† It has become a morning ritual to go by Herschel?s and pick up a large un-sweet tea which will last me almost all day (this has also been a big money saver).† Two, I try to wear a pedometer every day.† As a competitive person, I keep challenging myself to walk more and more.† My goal started off at 3500 steps per day.† In addition to my regular workouts I now try to walk at least 7000 steps per day ( I have actually read and applied some of those health tips we receive from Tom?.park further away, don?t sit for more than thirty minutes, walk across the office instead of sending emails, etc.)!† And, three, In November I found a great App on my phone.† It is Robert Roberts Daily Bible Reading Plan.† If you have seen me down in the FIT I am usually walking on a treadmill reading my phone. †I try to always walk while I am reading this plan whether I am on a treadmill or walking through my neighborhood.† I consider this to be my ?spiritual walk? which I think makes me ?healthier? than I could ever get from just working out.

Once again, thanks for naming me the ?Fittest Employee of the Month?.

Jon McCullough