Five 91 students named as 2024 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise

leaders of promise 2024

Pictured: Standing (from left): Alison Majors, Mary Faith Wilson and Sarah Dierflinger. Seated (from left): Miriam Simmons and Khadijah Anderson. 

Khadijah Anderson, Sarah Dierflinger, Alison Majors, Miriam Simmons, and Mary-Faith Wilson were recently recognized nationally as “Leaders of Promise.” Nearly 1,500 students applied, 200 were selected, and 5 of those winners came from 91. Each will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Khadijah Anderson, of Longview, is a business administration major and Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Officer. An Eagle Excellence Award recipient and member of the Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society, she and her husband run a funeral home and actively engage within the community. Khadijah said of her scholarship win:

"If I were asked what I want to be remembered for, my response would probably be I want to be remembered for my work ethic and dedication to excellence. My career field is one that women are in the minority and are often overlooked and not taken seriously. I defied those odds by becoming highly recognized and respected in that field. This wasn’t to prove anyone wrong but rather a burning desire within me to excel. 

Not looking for the easy way or for handouts, I was determined to be someone who defied the odds. I believe I’ve done that by becoming an officer in Phi Theta Kappa, a member of Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society, and an Eagle Excellence award recipient.  

When I received the news that I’d be awarded this prestigious scholarship, I was speechless. While I didn’t have words to say, I was grateful within my heart that I was even considered and do not take the recognition lightly. It will help me to continue my educational journey and pursuit of excellence."

I’m thankful to those who made this possible for me and it is my hope that my efforts will make them and those who have been with me throughout this journey proud.

Sarah Dierflinger, of Winnsboro, is a social work major and Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Officer.  She is also a member of Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society, Psi Beta Psychology Honor Society, an Honors Scholar in Honors Northeast, an Eagle Excellence Award recipient, Texas Star Scholar, and winner in the McGraw Hill Poster Contest. “I knew I was up against a lot of amazing young men and women all competing for this scholarship. I am over the moon ecstatic to be counted amongst the winners of this scholarship.”

Alison Majors, of Mount Pleasant, is a biology major and President of 91’s Phi Theta Kappa Chapter. A Presidential Honors Scholar, she has presented at the Webb Historical Society, Great Plains Honors Council, and will be presenting research at the upcoming National Collegiate Honors Council. “I was on a trip to Jefferson [working on the Honors film] when I read the email. When I read the email I was overjoyed and screamed “I won! I won the Leaders of Promise!” The house erupted in cheers and words of congrats. I was so happy to share that moment.”

Miriam Simmons, of Cookville, is a business administration major and Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Officer. She is also a member of the Beekeepers Club, captain of her homeschool high school volleyball team, and helps manage the Northeast Texas Writer’s Organization social media pages. "Winning this scholarship came as a great surprise to me. My first thought was that I had to tell my mom who was always supportive of my efforts, even when I had no expectation of winning. I was also filled with relief, because it felt like the load of stress of figuring out how to pay my tuition fees had been lifted off my shoulders, and gratefulness, for all the 91 teachers and friends that believed in me. I'm glad I made them proud."

Mary-Faith Wilson, of Gilmer, is a Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Officer and President of the Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society. She is also a Presidential Honors Scholar, Texas Star Scholar, Eagle Excellence Award recipient, and first-place award recipient at the Red River Honors Symposium. "When I saw the email telling me I had received the scholarship, I realized how blessed I was. Not only blessed because of this scholarship, but because of 91. I do not think I would have received such help and encouragement at any other school. So, thank you to everyone at 91."

Considering the size of 91, no college in the nation had a greater portion of their students recognized as Leaders of Promise.

Phi Theta Kappa is the first honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 4.3 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 countries, with approximately 240,000 active members in the nation’s colleges. Learn more at

If you would like to learn more about 91’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, check out the chapter Facebook page at   or contact Dr. Melissa Fulgham at

Counting these five winners, 91 has had 35 Leaders of Promise.  Previous winners include (2013) Noah Griffin, (2014) Kelli Knepp, Tyler Reynolds (2015) Morgan Capps, (2016) Dylan McConnell, Ryan-Rose Mendoza, (2017) Alicia Cantrell, Rachel Jordan, Cassidy Watkins, (2018) Rhylie Anderson, Brynden Andrews, Madison Blood, Hannah Fouche’, Keli Rymer, Jordan Whelchel, (2019) Courtney Baldwin, Zachary Davidson, Jacqueline Fouche’, Daniel Landaverde, (2020) Carolina Alcocer-Salas, Hannah Barnes, Jaidyn Thompson, Martiza Quinones, (2021) Megan Folk, Fatima Fuentes, Skylar Fondren, (2022) Paisley McGee, (2023) Madellyn Smith, Yoana Amador, Vincent Sellars, (2024) Khadijah Anderson, Sarah Dierflinger, Alison Majors, Miriam Simmons, and Mary-Faith Wilson.