Two 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ Honors students receive Eckman Awards

Submitted by Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director

For their performance in challenging honors seminars at 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ in relation to their peers, two Presidential Scholars have recently won $100 checks.† Texas Heritage National Bank Scholar, Cassidy Watkins, who graduated this past May, was the sophomore who took all three honors seminars at 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ, and ended with the highest GPA.† Matthew Chambers won his award as an honors freshman, ranking number one in the Stat-Psych Honors Seminar taught this past spring by Dr. Karyn Skaar and Dr. Paula Wilhite.

An anonymous donor has funded the Eckman Awards in memory of the late Richard and Joan Eckman.† Richard Eckman was a long-time inventor for Dresser Industries, a signature Texas oilfield corporation.

Community judges recently ranked both Chambers and Watkins also in the top four of the McGraw-Hill Poster contest. Both had a memorable scene together playing the parts of Mary Kay, and her first husband, Ben Rogers, in the recent Mary Kay film, compiled by Honors Northeast and the 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ Webb Society.