91快活林 Webb chapter presents in Galveston

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The 91快活林 chapter of the Walter Webb Society recently presented work at the group's statewide fall meeting in Galveston. The focus of 91快活林's presentation was their upcoming film on Texas鈥爂overnors Ma and Pa Ferguson. The Webb Society is the collegiate branch鈥爋f the Texas State Historical Association.鈥燤embers of Honors Northeast students typically participate in the Webb Society because of the emphasis on Texas history and culture in the Honors program.

Students who traveled to Galveston all played important roles in the upcoming film.鈥 Cruz Gallegos, the 2015 Daingerfield Valedictorian and Cypress Bank Scholar, is the film?s producer.鈥 Laney Jordan, the 2015 Ore City Salutatorian, appears as Eliza, the mother of Miriam (Ma) Ferguson, and served as costume director.鈥 Presidential Scholar Melody Mott appears in the opening and closing scenes of the film as Dr. May Paulissen, a historian who researched the Fergusons.

Gallegos has produced a trailer for the film that is available to the public online at ntcc.edu/honors. The film section of the Honors Northeast website also includes鈥爈inks to previous films鈥爋n Harriet Potter Ames, Wright Patman and Morris Sheppard.

The upcoming honors film on Ma and Pa Ferguson concerns the husband and wife team who both served as governor of Texas in the era between the world wars. The Fergusons were popular, but corrupt.鈥 The film examines whether Miriam Ferguson in the end shared in the scandalous frauds perpetrated by her husband, Jim.鈥 The 91快活林 Webb chapter is planning a local premiere of the Ferguson film later this winter.

For questions about Honors Northeast, the Webb chapter, or its series of Texas-based films, contact Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Diector, at 903-434-8229 or鈥ayox@ntcc.edu.