Upward Bound team named Fittest Employees for June

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Rico Willis†(center) presents the Upward Bound Team with fruit and†vegetable gift baskets for being named 91?s Fittest Employees†of the Month for June. Winners included (from left) Kelsey Flores, Keziah Eckstrom, Elisa Henninger and Laura Lambert. †To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†

The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a July recipient!

Here are a few words from the Upward Bound team about their wellness plan?

Dear Fitness Committee,

We, at Upward Bound, were very surprised by your recognition.††We are just a bunch of women trying to become healthier.††We could list a number of co-workers that are more deserving of this recognition, but nonetheless, we are grateful!††The team at UB has made some much needed changes for the benefit of our health.††These changes started with our enrollment in a variety of fitness classes for the last year and a half.††The fall semester solidified our commitment to becoming healthier by enrolling in a Spinning Class, and all of us are currently trying to maintain the momentum by joining our UB students in their physical fitness classes.††Even with our schedule, and the mobility of having to be at five different schools, we have tried to make time for exercise.††Our schedules are often hit and miss, but our commitment to each other has helped with the motivation, and the ?friendly goading? has had some very surprising results.

Each of us has brought to ?our program? a different set of knowledge, support, and most importantly a sense of humor that comes with the pain of getting back into the physical workouts!††Some of the most valuable tips have come directly from former fittest employees stories.††Some of us have opted to not drink calories, so water is often our drink of choice.††We have added lean proteins to our meals, and we have cut virtually all fried foods.††We have found that snacking is often done with good company, so our ?snack attacks? are often tackled by who has the best option for the craving.††Our favorite snacks are raw almonds, beef jerky, and any kind of fruit.††We have discovered that our taste buds are very similar, so our lunch menus are often left over healthy dinner options.††Finally, we have become selective about where we eat out.††If a salad or healthy option is not available, we avoid the restaurant.

As with any person trying to become healthier, we have found that encouragement and having a partner is the best option for all of us!††Thank you for the recognition, and we hope that our ?normalcy? will encourage others to make a commitment to their health!

Elisa Henninger

Laura Lambert

Keziah Eckstrom

Kelsey Flores