Eric Posey named Fittest Employee for July

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Michelle Morris†(right) presents the Eric Posey with a fruit and†vegetable gift basket for being named 91?s Fittest Employee†of the Month for July. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an August recipient!

Here are a few words from Eric about his personal wellness plan?

Fittest employee ? maybe not so much. †Attempting to become the fittest employee by using the FIT center 3 to 4 times per week ? that?s more like it.

I really appreciate the opportunity that the college has provided for employees by allowing us to use the FIT Center. †I?ve decided that rather than spending the $4 in gas that it would cost me to drive into town each day at lunch, to use my lunch hour at the FIT Center trying to become a healthier person. I would encourage everyone else to do the same. It?s a nice break from your job and is a great place to get in a quick workout, while interacting with our students. Sure, I get the occasional ?when are we getting our Pell refund? questions mid-workout, but I enjoy the opportunity to mingle with the students in a more casual setting. Also, if you like being outdoors, you should give the disc golf course a try. If you throw the disc anything like I do, you will get plenty of exercise chasing it down because it seems to always go in the wrong direction.

I once heard someone say that our goal should be to ?eat to live? rather than ?live to eat?. It?s a tough goal, but I?m working on getting there by watching portion sizes and selecting healthier foods to eat. I?ve learned that most high protein snacks are filling and tasty.

Keep up the good work Wellness Committee. It?s nice to know we work at a place that cares about our well being and encourages us to be healthier.


Eric Posey