College board approves budget, tax rate

The 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ Board of Trustees approved a tax rate and budget for the 2012-2013 year at its meeting Tuesday evening.† The tax rate remains at its cap of 10 cents per $100 valuation and is projected to generate $3.182 million in revenue.

The budget was set at $17.922 million, and included reductions in planned deferred maintenance and in the growth of reserve funding.

?Given the dramatic enrollment increases of the last several years, the college has been able to make some progress in critical areas like fund balance, plant infrastructure (HVAC and emergency notification systems), and expansion of instructional programs,? said President Brad Johnson.† ?However, further enrollment growth may prove difficult and the decline in tax valuations in our district suggests we are facing several more years of challenge.?

This Fall the College will enroll its first class of Mount Pleasant High School students into the Industrial Technology Program.††These students join the Shelby Automotive Technology students as a unique group of high school students with the opportunity to complete an industry certification before graduating from high school.

Other plans for this year call for a new strategic plan focused on improving the success of 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ students, once enrolled. ?Motivated and prepared students do exceptionally well at 91Ώμ»ξΑΦ,? Dr. Johnson said.?††?We want to find ways to move many more of our students into that successful group.?